Tuesday 24 December 2013

My Favourite Book of All Time...

My favourite book of all time has got to be "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky. It isn't a very long book, but it surely was beautifully written. It was a very easy book to read because it was in the point of view of a teenager. I really found myself being able to relate to the protagonist, Charlie. Charlie is a shy, introverted teenager. Charlie describes his freshman year of high school experiences through letters written to an anonymous character who he describes as being accepting, nice and kind. There were many allusions in the story, which I enjoyed as well. Everything about the novel felt so real, which makes "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" very refreshing. The characters were so dynamic and lively. I felt like I was also going on adventures with Charlie and his friends. I felt like I was a part of the high times and the lows. This book did a great job of connecting me to the characters in the story. It also demonstrated a good reality of what a teenager's life really consists of. It isn't all just parties, homework and hanging out with friends. It deals with issues like discovering and often times, struggling with your sexual orientation. It deals with depression, harsh realities, and how we deal with them. Often, we deal with them on our own and the novel shows that. It gives the "wallflowers" of the world, a voice. When you're a wallflower, you're not a part of the centre of the action. You are an observer, and the voice of an observer is very powerful. I learned that from reading this novel. I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of "The Perks of Being a Wallflower."

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