Tuesday 24 December 2013


Equality, in my mind, screams bland. If everything was to be equal, how boring would the world be? It would be great for all the racial and gender prejudices to go away. However, total equality would resolve in a very boring world. Aside from that, equality is impossible to achieve anyway. For everyone and everything to be equal, we cannot have any differences, but we clearly do. The differences is what makes us who we are. Men are men and women are women. We cannot change anything about that and therefore, we cannot be equal. Everything in this world was created to be unequal. Everything is unique and different naturally and equality is just a silly and unreachable ideal. Some of us strive for equality with every breath of our lives, but why are we fighting nature? I will never understand that. I do understand that everyone should have equal rights. That is a different topic than equality. Equal rights are important for a society to function. Giving everyone an equal chance at achieving a life they wish to have is something every person deserves. Withholding that right from someone because of their race, gender, religion or sexuality would be a great crime. Everyone should have the ability to live the life they wish to live, none of us have the authority to take that away from anybody.

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